Sunday, November 1, 2009

Xrin Arms

i wanted to start this blog and talk everything Ohio. This blog was started for the purpose of my podcast that i'm starting, but ive decided that im going to go beyond the podcast and explore a whole realm of ideas.

First off i ran into Anthony Vincent a week or so ago at the bar. It was great talking to him and being able to hang out for a brief moment, as i haven't seen him in a hot minute, with him being on tour, and moving away from Cleveland. Anyways, Ive known Anthony for a very long time and am grateful for that. he is an amazing person.

The one thing about Anthony is that he puts 120% into his music. He is probably the most passionate person when it comes to music. he pushes himself to the limit and takes on a whole new meaning of DIY. He has such passion for what he does and it is beautiful. His latest works are chaotic but there is something about it that is amazing. the way he composes his music it genius. its put together so well and flows so nice, it is hard to explain. if you get the chance to see him live, please do yourself a favor and check it out.

here are a few episodes put together on

and a live video

Saturday, October 31, 2009